Saturday 10 May 2008

Court now orders Spears psych exam

Court now orders Spears psych exam

A judge has ruled that troubled pop star Britney Spears must be examined by a court-appointed head-shrinker to decide if she understands the legal minutes involving her.
Reuters reports that Los Angeles Superior Court Commissioner Scott Gordon ordered on Monday that the head-shrinker file a report on the 26-year-old's mental condition by 13 Feb.
On 14 February it will be decided how a great deal yearner Spears' assets should stay under the temporary control of her male parent and his attorney.
Commissioner Gordon besides said that a restraining order against Spears' self-styled handler and intimate, Surface-to-air missile Lutfi, forbids him from any form of contact with her.
Spears was taken to the UCLA Medical Center for a 72-hour psychiatric rating final stage hebdomad; her continue has now been extended to deuce weeks.