Monday 23 June 2008

Kate Middleton Turns Down Queen's Ascot Offer

Kate Middleton has turned down the Queen’s offer of a Royal Ascot table because she doesn’t want to become boyfriend Prince William’s “stand in”.
The 26-year-old “politely declined” the Queen’s invitation to host a private table at the famous horse racing meeting’s Royal Enclosure on Thursday.
Middleton reportedly is reluctant to “stand in for Prince William again and using her Royal status” after representing the absent heir to the throne at his cousin Peter Phillips’ wedding.
A friend explains to the Mail on Sunday, “Kate was all set to take the table after having been personally invited by the Queen. She then had second thoughts and politely declined the offer.
“She loves the races and would have so enjoyed to host her own table, but she said she doesn’t want to be standing in for William again and using her so-called Royal status.
“She knows that if she goes in William’s place as a guest of the Queen the engagement rumours will gather momentum and it’s not what she or William want.”
“Kate’s also been advised to take a back seat publicity-wise, so she’ll only really step out in any sort of Royal capacity when she absolutely has to and when she’s with William.
“She stood in for William at Peter Phillips’s wedding because he asked her to, but Kate is wary of being seen as William’s official stand-in.”